The Work of Byron Katie is a coaching and self-coaching method. In the scientific world it is known as "IBSR - Inquiry Based Stress Reduction". Together, we identify thoughts and beliefs that underlie your uncomfortable feelings and corresponding actions, and you test them with four concrete questions and turn arounds. It loosens up your limiting beliefs and behavior patterns: you recognize new perspectives and act more deliberately and authentically. With regular "working" you feel calmer, more self-confident and act more purposefully.

The Work Of Byron Katie in Business

"The executive meetings are completely different now. Suddenly we find ourselves discussing the core tasks - there is less of a power struggle." This is the statement of a department head after the introduction of The Work seminars at management level. The Work is an effective tool for leaders who want to be more clear, more friendly and more present in the relation with their employees.

Get to know The Work of Byron Katie and learn to use it

You can get to know The Work in a coaching session or a seminar with me and learn to apply it on your own. If you want to try The Work on your own, you can download the worksheet free of charge. More trained coaches for The Work and their events can be found under The Work Netzwerk Schweiz.