JAla means water

Jala is the Sanskrit word for water. Water adapts flexibly to its surrounding. It goes where the path leads it. At the same time it shapes its environment and leaves unmistakable traces. It helps others grow. And it teaches confidence in what is to come - even when it is about jumping over steep cliffs into the unknown. This is what jala coaching stands for.


Upcoming EVents, Workshops & Instructor Trainings

Healthy Breathing in Sports, Business & Every Day life

based on Oxygen Advantage & Buteyko Method

2025-Apr-4 Fr - 10h00 - So Apr 6, 16h00. Oxygen Advantage Instruktoren Ausbildung, Bern

2025-Mai-13 - 17h00 - 20h30 Oxygen Advantage Abend-Workshop Atmung im Sport, Bern

2025-Jun-15 09h00 - 16h00 Oxygen Advantage Tagesworkshop Atmung im Sport, Stilli b. Brugg

2025-Jun-27 Fr - 10h00 - So Jun-29, 16h00. Oxygen Advantage Instruktoren Ausbildung, Bern

auf Anfrage Oxygen Advantage Outdoor Warm Up Atemtrainings, abends, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern

Breath & COLD WEekend Workshops

based on the Wim Hof Method, combined with the fundamentals of the Oxygen Advantage Method and completed with inspirational coaching methods

*in englisch

2025-Okt-24, Fr bis So Okt-26 Atem, Kälte & Inspiration, Fafleralp, VS - Wim Hof & Oxygen Advantage Methode

2025-Dez-5 Fr bis So Dez-7, Atem & Kälte Wochenende, Churwalden GR* - Wim Hof & Oxygen Advantage Methode

2026-Jan-9, Fr 13h30 - So Jan-11 13h00, Atmung & Kälte Wochenende, Schweibenalp BE, Wim Hof & Oxygen Advantage Methode

Breath & Cold fundamentals 1 day-Workshops and 5-week courses

based on the Wim Hof Method, combined with the fundamentals of the Oxygen Advantage Method

2024-Mar 15, Sa 12h00 - 16h00 Atem & Kälte Tagesworkshop, Strandbad Sauna Küsnacht ZH, Wim Hof

2025-Mar-29, Sa 10h00 - 17h00, Atem & Kälte Tagesworkshop, Kirchberg BE, Wim Hof & Oxygen Advantage

2025-Apr-12, Sa 10h00 - 17h00 Atem & Kälte Tagesworkshop, Schwarzsee, Wim Hof & Oxygen Advantage

2025-Apr-16, Mi 07h15 Start Atem & Kälte 5-Wochenkurs, Bern, Wim Hof & Oxygen Advantage

2025-Dez-14 So 10h00 - 17h00 Atem, Kälte & Faszientraining, Schwarzsee, Wim Hof, Slings & Oxygen Advantage

Summer & Winter Specials

2025-Mai-28 - Aug 27, Mi Start Live Wim Hof Sunrise Atemsessions, each Wednesday Morning 7:30am, @Aarebar, Bern, drop in

2025-Dez-14 So 10h00 - 17h00 Atem, Kälte & Faszientraining, Schwarzsee, Wim Hof, Slings & Oxygen Advantage

Would you like to gift someone with a Wim Hof Workshop or Coaching? Here you find templates of gift vouchers to print at home. Payment is due only if/when the person signs up.