Breathe Less, Get More! The oxygen Advantage & Buteyko Method

Do you sometimes feel your breath slows you down, rather than support you? Are you quickly out of breath or do you need to gasp for air when you speak? Maybe you have read, that running with nasal breathing is healthier, tried that and gave it up again because you either had to walk or felt you can not get enough air? Maybe you don't do much exercise anyway, because you suffer from asthma or longcovid symptoms, or sleep apnea robs you of the energy to do so?

Buteyko respiratory training and the Oxygen Advantage Method have helped many people get back to strong breath and healthy sleep. Both methods are based on the scientific knowledge, which shows, that breathing less is the foundation for mental and physical health, fitness and resilience.


Want to train your breathing — here’s some POSSIBILITIES for You:


Oxygen Advantage Instructor Training

incl. certification

Berne, Apr 4 to 6th, 2025

Language: German


Oxygen Advantage Workshop for runners

Uster ZH: Thu June 26, 2024
Berne: Wed August 22, 2024


Language: German


Oxygen Advantage breathe better in sports

Berne: Thu May 30, 2024, 5 pm - 8.30pm

Language: German


Oxygen Advantage for divers - Dive Festival Berne

Where: Tauchsport Käser, Liebefeldstrasse 157, 3097 Liebefeld

When: Sun Feb 2, 14h15 - 16h45

more Info/sign in


Buteyko 4-week private breath training

Target audience: children & adults with breathing challenges

Where: online or live at Nussbaumstrasse 60, 3006 Berne

Price: CHF 599 for 4 x 60-90 min plus support


Workshops Breathing in Business

Content: Healthy functional breathing and its benefits for dealing with stress, recovery (healthy sleep and burnout prevention), focus, creativity, communication and team work.

Price/duration: upon request, about. 1.5 bis 4h or weekly sessions.

Place: Online or live at location of your choice


Workshops Breathing in School

Target audience: Teachers, classes

Content: Healthy breathing - easier studying - relaxed teaching

Price/duration: upon request/by arrangement approx. 1.5 to 4 h

Place: Online or location of your choice

Oxygen advantage private coaching Schweiz

Oxygen Advantage & Buteyko private coachings

Where: Online or live at Nussbaumstrasse 60, 3006 Berne

Price: CHF 160/h, s. also oxygen advantage packages below


Breathing less is easier said than done. Especially because most of us tend to breathe too fast, too shallowly, and too hard during our day. When you understand how our breathing functions and why less is more, you'll find it easier to breathe through your nose and reduce your breathing. By this, you will give your body the chance to use oxygen more efficiently. Better oxygen utilization means better performance in sports, including simulated altitude training, shifting anaerobic threshold, higher VOmax, etc. This is the reason why the Ukrainian doctor Buteyko (Buteiko), had originally developed its method not only for people with respiratory problems, but for cosmonauts as well. If you retrain your breathing, you are likely to increase your ability to focus at work and in everyday life, reduce symptoms of asthma, hay fever, allergies and sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or "not being able to fall asleep."

Oxygen Advantage is a version of the Buteyko Method for generally healthy people. It will support you if you want to improve your athletic and mental performance. The classic Buteyko method uses more gentle exercises and is especially suitable for you if you suffer from asthma, Longcovid, sleep disorders or panic attacks and want to regain control over your breathing. The Buteyko exercises are also suitable for children and, in addition to breathing, they support the child's ability to concentrate in school and a healthy development of its jaw and teeth position. If you are interested in more detailed information about children and Buteyko breathing, read Close your mouth and stay healthy. Buteyko for Kids and Adolescents.


Oxygen Advantage For Athletes - Use your Full potential

Do you do sports regularly and are you interested in achieving new top performances with the help of your breathing? Oxygen Advantage gives you exercises that simulate altitude training and optimize your warm-up and regeneration phases. I will help you to integrate them into your training plan and you will receive theoretical knowledge about breathing physiology to optimize your training plan in the future. Oxygen Advantage exercises can also help you if you suffer from exercise-induced asthma.


Oxygen Advantage for Wim Hoffers - Check your CO2-Tolerance

The Oxygen Advantage method is the ideal complement to the Wim Hof method. The Wim Hof method is a wonderful and highly effective method. However, if we practice Wim Hof breathing regularly and do not pay attention to a healthy breathing pattern in our daily life, our CO2 tolerance may be affected. We notice it, when our breathing retention times become shorter. A low CO2-tolerance leads to the fact that we tend to breathe too much and our body cannot use the oxygen optimally. The Oxygen Advantage method helps you to maintain or restore your CO2 tolerance at a healthy level. This way you can benefit from both methods to the maximum.


More Information about the Oxygen Advantage & Buteyko Method

Helena, I’m going away now and I’m leaving the inhaler behind. I’m not even taking it with me in my suitcase. Can you imagine the joy? I am infinitely grateful for your training and tell everyone about the Buteyko method.
— Luz, after four weeks breath retraining for Asthma
“The Oxygen Advantage training with Helena was very oxygen enriching for me and has positively influenced many aspects of my life. Longtime participants of my cooking courses have also noticed a striking change: the consequent nasal breathing not only makes my language calmer, it also helps me to stay concentrated on a high level for a long time. This makes my lessons more pleasant for me and the participants.

My 9-year-old son Noeh also benefits from training with Helena. He was already diagnosed with asthma in early childhood. He is an enthusiastic footballer and was able to improve his endurance in sports training with the Oxygen Advantage method. At school we are confronted with a possible ADS disorder. Here, too, we observe an improved ability to concentrate in small steps.
Thank you Helena for your wonderful way of sharing your knowledge and experience with young and old.”
— Eveline & Noeh
Wim Hof Method